Hey family, thanks for all the letters this week! It's so good to hear from you!! I really needed all the support of the family this week, so thanks!!! It's so good to hear that Wyatt is tearing it up out there. Like I almost started crying when I read that because of what he's gone through to get to this point. It's incredible! Wow, keep it up Wyatt, and Garrett I hear you're killing it man!!! That is soooo cool, man! You guys are way further along than I was and this point. Keep rolling baby!
Thanks dad for your letters, I always love your letters. I know that you are inspired by God to say those things because every time I read them there is something in there that I needed to hear, so thank you guys! I love you all!
I had an amazing week this week, and I'm feeling really good. I feel fresh. I feel swaggy. My legs are bigger than ever, I'm speaking Spanish, AND I BAPTIZED ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS THIS WEEK!
Guess what I else I did? I made pancakes this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had a family night and we made pancakes. It was freakin' awesome. except they were more like crepes than pancakes, but they don't know what American pancakes are like and they don't need to know, right? ha ha ha ha I tried my best and it was really fun. I really loved the family night that we had. I felt like I was back with my family, or that I was Chilean and a part of the families here. Then I realized that I'm still a gringo, but that's ok.
I'm starting to get the hang of the whole training thing and district leader thing. I'm still learning so much, but I really feel that the Lord is with me in my life right now, and for that I feel like I can do anything. Like literally everything.
I am really trying to apply fun is the work here, especially for my new comp because I feel like sometimes it is easy to get into a groove of doing the same thing over and over so I like switching it up a little here and there, you know? This week I started to do magic with the kids here. I'm not even kidding. My companion is a magician. Like he is really good, so I thought why not use his strengths? SO WE STARTED USING MAGIC IN THE STREETS TO GET A CONVERSATION GOING. ha ha How cool is that? It worked decently well. It's kind of hard to tie the church in with magic because they kind of think we are like wizards already, but when you think about God is the ultimate magician because he makes miracles happen and he changes people's lives.
Speaking of which, I baptized one of my best friends this Sunday!! Her name is Francisca and she is 15. I found her in the streets about three weeks ago and I started teaching her and got to know her really well and the trials that she has faced. To see how she has changed since the time I met her to the person she is now is a miracle. She got to go to girls camp this week with the young women and now she is best friends with all the young women when before she didn't have any friends and she lived alone with her mom. All the young women were so excited for her to be baptized. It was sooo amazing to see the support of the ward in her life and the change in her life. It is so weird. I see this change in her life, but really I feel like we went though it together and my life has had the same impact. She asked me to baptize her and she kept saying, "I'm going to miss you when you leave" ha ha It was cute!! It made me feel like I'm making a difference here.
It was awesome and next week we have a baptism with the cutest little girl ever. I'm so excited. I'll send you guys the photos next week of her. Her name is Jasmin.
That's all I got.
Love you guys!
Elder Frampton
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